29 March, 2011



The Keywords page lists the most significant keywords Google found when crawling your site. When reviewed along with the Search queries report and your site's listing in actual search results for your targeted keywords, it provides insight into how Google is interpreting the content of your site.
The significance of each keyword reflects how often it's found on your site's pages. Click each keyword to see a sampling of pages on which it appears.
If unexpected keywords, such as "Viagra", appear on this page, this could be a sign that your site has been hacked.
If expected keywords are missing from this page, this could be for a couple of reasons:
  • Google may not have been able to crawl and index all the pages of your site. In this case, we recommend reviewing the crawl errors page for your site. In addition, submitting a Sitemap is an excellent way to make sure that Google knows about all the pages on your site. Also, if you have recently updated your site, we may not have crawled the new pages yet.
  • The Keywords list will sometimes exclude words that Google has determined to be boilerplate text or common words. The actual excluded words vary from site to site.

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