04 April, 2011

Katy Perry has released her video for new single 'ET'.

Katy Perry's new single, 'ET', features Kanye West and sees the singer suspended in space as an alien life-form, and in a steamy embrace with a robot.
The video, which already has over 5 million views on YouTube, has sparked a debate on whether the singer has followed in the footsteps of Lady Gaga's 'Born this Way'. The LA Times dubbed the video 'unoriginal', stating 'what she does do well is to absorb everything she sees around her and then present it in an ultra-shiny package that never takes itself too seriously.'

Perry is almost unrecognisable in her alien makeup, which according to the video's make up stylist Carol Beadle was inspired by 'jellyfish and amoebas.' Talking to Mtv News she said 'I just wanted [Katy] to look really odd, unreal if we could, but still fashionable.'
Katy has recently announced that she plans to do a real-life trip into space with husband Russell Brand for his 35th birthday.

The singer bought the comedian a space on the chartered Virgin space flight for his birthday and announced she was going with him, explaining: 'I just thought, 'What else can I give this man? He's had every experience in the world, but not a trip to space!' '

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