26 September, 2011

My relationship with Kennis Music - Capital F.E.M.I

FEMI ADEYINKA aka Capital F.E.M.I, the US returnee and younger brother to ace comedian Gbenga Adeyinka opens up on his new single IN THE NAME OF LOVE,  his admiration for Nigerian R&B front-runners, and his relationship with other artistes. 

Can we get to know you?

Sure you can my name is Olufemi  Oladipupo Adeyinka aka Capital F.E.M.I.  Born in Lagos my family is from Ogun State Abeokuta to be precise.   Had some of my early education between Nigeria and the States, until my dad finally decided to have me stay in the States and further my education.  I attended High school and College in the states and now am back home doing what I love to do Music. 

When did you start music?

It didn’t start for me at a very early age being a lover of music happened for me by chance I would say.  I started as a dancer more on the theatre side and caught the singing bug in my late years in high school.  I performed a few talent shows with my friends and that’s how a teacher of mine pulled me to the side and seriously told me that I have a gift and I should think of using it.  Didn’t take it seriously knowing my parents wouldn’t have it especially my father.  It kicked off when I was in my first year in college sang in a few groups then to writing songs and singing hooks for different artist and  then went solo from there and as you know the rest is still being written. 

You came into the country in 2009 , did you have your own plan before coming back?
I was working on my music and looking at what avenues I could get into before I came back home.  

 While growing up, who influenced you?
A lot of people did let me mention a few Steve Wonder, Marvin Gaye, Micheal Jackson, Jodeci, Donell Jones, Brain Mcnight, Joe and so much more. 

You have 3 singles and 2 videos, can you tell us about them?
Have 5 singles actually my official single under  Kennis Music was Never felt a love  a love song that just express how true love should feel.  Then came Baby I got it aka money money which express how willing you are to spoil the one you love.  Capital F.E.M.I is a song that express me what I do, why I do it, also how proud I am to be Nigerian and giving God the praise.  Playlist a club song that makes u move n nod your head.  My newest single "In the name of love” which is a fun song that just states how willing you’re  to losing yourself for someone and you like it all in the name of love.  My videos Never felt a love was my first video simple and meaning full not the whole flash thing and Baby I got it aka money money followed and  it depicts the simple yet lavish life on how am willing to spoil my lady.

You are signed to Kennis Music Record label, what is your relationship like with other artistes.

Its good were close and we share and bounce ideas with each other.  It’s a family affair typesetting and it works for us. 

Ok, your new single 'In the name of love' has been on the repeat button on my playlist over and over again. What were you thinking when you were recording the song?

It just came to me in the studio with Tee y mix while we were bouncing ideas around  wanted to drive on how the word love makes us do things, especially when  it comes to a man and a woman.  When he’s really into her all in the name of love and he lose it and likes it. 

Ladies love the new single 'in the name of love'. Was the song dedicated to a particular lady?
Lol!!! yes its dedicated to all ladies that love it. 
Capital F.E.M.I

Let's talk about your forth coming album, what collaborations do you have on your album?
The album is self titled Capital F.E.M.I “ the year of RnB” I have a few of my Kennis Music family on it and  other artist in the industry don’t want to reveal yet.

Aside from kennis music star, who else?
You’ll find out in time

Are you doing any collaboration with any international artiste on the album?
Am open to that and welcome it,  I do strongly feel we have amazing talent in our beautiful nation that meets up with international artist.

When is it finally dropping?
Don’t have a drop date pushing the new single IN THE NAME OF LOVE when we do you’ll be part of the bunch to know. 

Uncle Gbenga as I always call him has contributed so much to your career, how do you feel?
Uncle G as I always call him lol. Words can’t begin to describe how much he has contributed to my life not just my career.  If it wasn’t for him and how successful he is and continues to be I won’t be in the industry he paved the way for me and made it possible to convince pops to let me in into the entertainment world.   God has a way of planting helpers into your life and he’s one of them and am blessed to have as my big bro and mentor.

I'm sure you have a lot of female fans out there, how do you cope with them?
I cope well I have my eyes on the prize and am still in the beginning stage that keeps me inline and also have my family , my big bro Gbenga Adeyinka 1st and  my CEO Kenny Ogunbe that make sure am inline. 

Are you currently working on any project? 
Working on a few things you will hear about soon

A word to your fans out there 
I thank you all in the name of love for your support, encouragement, and taking me especially as I am. 
I will always put my best foot forward and with God’s grace I’ll continue to entertain you.  

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