27 September, 2011

Stingomania's Ope Banwo gets death threats from Baba Nee and Trybson Dudukoko


The relationship between Stingomania records and two of their Artistes; Baba Nee (Omo Ghetto crooner) and Trybson Dudukoko ( the guy who played Dagrin in Ghetto Dreams )  has gone sour. The two artistes were signed to Stingomania label two years ago. 

Ope Banwo the producer of Ghetto Dreams,  announced this via his facebook page yesterday
 TIME TO TAKE UP THE CHALLENGE POSED BY BABA NEE AND TRYBSON DUDUKOKO!! People often wonder why Nigerian Entertainment industry is not having access to financing as it should. Yet, we have a culture where people sign contracts, get millions in support, publicity, promotion, production expenses and packaging etc and when they start making it, they spit in the face of the investor and thrash their contracts with impunity. Should we keep allowing this to continue simply becos we think its classy to take our loss and walk away? NO!! I chose NOT to be another victim of Nigerian artistes. THIS TIME WILL BE DIFFERENT. I take a PUBLIC STAND against the offensive actions by BABA NEE AND TRYBSON DUDUKOKO for their flagrant breach of contract after enjoying over N12million in investment from Stingomania and then claiming they want to walk away. My friends warned me this would happen and I assured them that when the time comes, I will confront the evil. So, rather than rising above the nonsence and walk away losing millions in the process, as some have suggested, I have chosen to engage them and help curb this industry menace
 Here is another one..
STINGOMNIA PUBLIC NOTICE ON BABA NEE AND TRYBSON: In addition to my PUBLIC CAVEAT EMPTOR THAT ALL MEDIA HOUSES (Radio stations, TV Stations, Promoters, Corporate bodies, etc) will be receiving in the next few days, I AM USING THIS PUBLIC MEDIUM TO PUT EVERYONE ON NOTICE that Stingomania Records has EXCLUSIVE RIGHTS BY CONTRACT to all the MUCIAL WORKS AND VIDEOS of BABA NEE AND TRYBSON and until thiis contractual dispute is resolved, WE ARE WITHDRAWING ALL CONSENTS TO ANYBODY TO UTILIZE THEIR WORKS OR PROFESSIONAL SERVICES IN ANY WAY, SHAPE OR FORM. We will vigourosly challenge any entity that plays their music or video or engages them in any public performance until the end of their contract with Stingomania in 2014 without the express consent from Stingomania. ALL PREVIOUS CONSENTS GIVEN TO RADIO STATIONS, TV STATIONS, MARKETERS ETC to play the works of these TWO artistes is hereby SUSPENDED INDEFINITELY UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE....All members of the public delaing with their works do so at their own risk of appropriae legal actions. Baba nee and Trybson have no assets to REPAY OUR INVESTMENTS ON THEM but we will be happy to collect our money from any organization or entity that violates our copyright interests in these boys. We will be actively monitoring all promotions and concerts. LET THE BUYER BEWARE!!
Here is another Facebook Update from Mr Ope Banwo annoucing the Death Threat from Baba Nee friends
DEATH THREATS BY FRANK NERO (one of BABA NEE’s friends) - Since my company issued a CAVEAT EMPTOR against Baba Nee and Trybson Dudukko yesterday for violating the terms of their contracts with Stingomania Entertainment, several of Baba Nee’s fans have issued death threats to me with one of them, FRANK NERO, even having the guts to threaten to kill me and my family. While I will file appropriate complaints with the police and the law will take its course on FRANK NERO and others like him, I continue to assure these two budding Artistes, BABA NEE AND TRYBSON and any other Artiste that cares to join them, that NO AMOUNT OF INTIMIDATION, THREAT OR RIDICULE will make me walk away from this. THEY WILL BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE TO THE FULL EXTENT OF THE LAW as an example to other upcoming artistes so they will understand that you don’t beg someone to spend time and money on you, ejoy millions of naira in benefits, sign a contract with them and then just turn around to walk away at any time it suits you after getting benefits. PEOPLE NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS BUSINESS. A CONTRACT IS A CONTRACT and this time around we will take a stand against it

 The last update about an hour ago 
I thank my friends who have asked me to walk away before these artistes tarnish my image any further since they apparently have nothing to lose but I have explained that this is exactly what these guys expect and this is what investors like me have been doing for years once these artistes start their problem. HOWEVER, A DAY MUST COME WHEN SOMEONE SAYS 'NO!'. TODAY IS THAT DAY. So, I REPEAT, regardless of the thrash being said about me, I AM NOT BACKING OFF. I AM NOT WRITTING OFF MY INVESTMENT. This is business. They can slander and libel me all they want but I WILL HOLD THEM AND THEIR COLLABORATORS 100% ACCOUNTABLE FOR THEIR ACTIONS AND LEGALLY SIGNED CONTRACTS. I fully expect a lot of negative stuff from these people but that will not remove from my determination. If anything, it makes me even more resolute to stamp out this nonsence that is ruining our industry.
Trybson Dudukoko also took to facebook to respond to Ope Banwo's statement
"Hmmm..ope banwo has ordered Tv&Radio stations to stop playing my content and baba nee omo ghetto's content all because we av confronted him on his wrong doins.he signs female artists and sleeps with them..he signs male artist to make us perform at his frend's birthday parties and burial for me,I did not sign to a label who cannot promote me properly,shoot good videos,and package me with good sense..he claims he has spent millions on me and baba nee,I want to ask anybody out there to tell me if they av ever listened to my music on air or seen my videos anywhere..he is now fighting us becos we av stopped writting music for his girlfriend and bedmate,Bianca black..please ask him wen last he saw any of his artist he claimed he spent millions,he prefers spending money and buying clothes,blackberry,jewelries other material things..av stayed almost 3years in stingomania records and av not achieved anything except for the dagrin movie I did(Ghetto dreamz)...pls if dagrin did not die,i will never av been heard or seen anywhere..He has drawn d battle line and we are ready to pull down with us since dats what he want to do,we are ready to go dirty with now and unveil all his dirty secrets of his escapades with his sex mates he houses in his lekki rented apartment...."

Well,since ope banwo has said no one should use any material that has to do with my brand name,i.e. @trybsondudukoko....Am also saying He should stop showing GHETTO DREAMZ anywhere since it has my name as the lead character on it too cos i was not paid a dime for my appearance fees ...or else#lipsealed#

Frank Nero, friend of Baba Nee who was accused of sending death threat to Ope Banwo also reacted
"fearless ghetto soldiers trybson dudukoko acted dagrin in d movie ghetto dreams Do U KNOW HE WASN'T PAID A DIME?no house,no packagin,a good bizman wunt invest so much witout gettin anytin in return.if Ope banwo was good his artist wunt go back2danfo drivin,hotel management or even sellin tickets at bus stations."

Will keep you posted for more updates on this story

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