08 February, 2012

Guys React: Better a Whore than a Cock Tease…

Cock tease (sometimes cock tease or cocktease) is a derisive sexual slang used to describe a person who is perceived to act in a sexual manner to seduce someone possessing male genitalia, without actually fulfilling the expected sexual actions. The term has been in use in Great Britain and the United States since the1800s… [The term is relevant to the cultural attitudes towards sexual harassment and date rape] -

If objectifying a woman is tantamount to sexual harassment, then cock-teasing a guy should be criminalized as sexual torture. But then, one would ask: what constitutes a cock tease? How far would a cock-tease go to be categorized as sexual torture? This may sound funny, but by no means should the implications be taken lightly. I write this, because I've heard for the umpteenth time, women narrating their experience, whilst expressing their shock and outrage at the fact that a guy they'd shared the same bed with tried to sleep with them. You
can imagine the absurd irony, and the implied paradoxical mischief. However, the context of the relationship between the man and the woman should be taken into consideration, before hasty conclusions are drawn to either indict or sympathize with either party - we have to first of all establish if the woman making the claim was actually the instigator/perpetrator of the "mishap" or the victim thereof. How do we do that? We examine the relationship:
A) has the guy ever made sexual advances at her in the past?
B) Has he ever explicitly or implicitly expressed his emotional, physical, or sexual desires towards the lady? C) Were ground rules established before the "encounter"?
D) Was the "sleep over" planned by both parties?
E) Did it happen by accident?
F) Did the lady have any other choice but to sleep on the guy's bed?
G) Did she knowingly reveal her nakedness; explicitly or implicitly attempt to seduce the man by making sexual gestures or sending mixed signals?

By James Amuta

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