26 March, 2012

Register Now for the African Youth and Governance Conference Accra 2012

 About the Conference
The world population report has indicated an unprecedented increase in youth population across the world with nearly half the global population under 25 years, with more than 1 Billion between the ages of 15 and 24 years. It has been projected that by 2015, there will be 3 Billion young people and 2.5 Billion of them will be living in developing countries (Ruth Kagia, World Bank Group, 2008).  In 2002, youth as a percentage of the total global population ranged from a high of 35 percent in Grenada to a low of 14 percent in Monaco. The percentage of youth was predominantly higher in Africa and much of Asia, but generally low in the countries of the Developed World and in Eastern Europe and the new independent states of the former Soviet Union. Over the 2002-2025 period, the change in the population ages 15- 29 is expected to vary by region. Youth population in Sub-Saharan Africa has been projected to grow at very fast rate while declining in China, Eastern Europe, and the Developed World. As a result, youth as a percentage of the total population are likely to decline everywhere across the globe except in Sub- Saharan Africa.

Despite the increasing youth population growth, successive Governments in Africa have demonstrated little commitment to address the problem of youth marginalization from mainstream development. Africa today has
witnessed marginal increase in the number of young people in the legislature and the active involvement of the youth in national governance (i.e. social, economic and corporate) is yet to be institutionalized. Mirroring the African-wide problem from the lenses of Ghana, USAID succinctly expressed in USAID/ Ghana Strategy

Statement thus “Ghanaian youth have extremely limited opportunities for education, employment and participation in constructive political and development processes. While Ghana’s youth represent an enormous resource, they are rarely considered as important agents of social and economic transformation” (USAID/Ghana, 2006).

The broad issues confronting the African Youth shall, for the purposes of the planned event be viewed from the three pillars of governance and democracy;

    Participation and Empowerment

Why You Should Be There
Registration is now open for the African Youth and Governance Accra 2012 Annual Conference. We hope you will join us for what promises to be a valuable personal and professional experience.

The development of the youth is more important now more than ever. From funding shortfalls to increased diversity and lack of comprehensive policies, we must learn to do more with less. And we can, with collaboration. Coming together with colleagues and governance experts from across the globe at AYGC Annual Conference is the first step toward making real progress in your country.

We've packed the new three-day format with high quality sessions and workshops, keynote presentations, and networking events, where you will develop your leadership skills and discover proven solutions to take back to your country. You'll also go home with renewed confidence and motivation, and solutions and resources to help your board accomplish the important work ahead.

We all need to work together to meet the governance and development challenges of the 21st century. Your commitment really does count!

 How to Register

Limited Slots, Register Early!!!!

Interested partiRegistercipants of the African Youth and Governance Conference Accra 2012 will need to register to be selected by a Review Board, afterwards the selected delegates will  receive a confirmation ID No. from  the secretariat.


Online: conference website registration form.

Phone: (+233 540 748 532/302 936 326/209 016 886)


When making your registration/ confirmations by phone/email, please have the following information ready: Name of Conference registrant.
•    Type of housing (Resident/ Non resident)
•    Arrival and departure dates.
•    Number of persons in party.
•    Any special requirements due to disability.
•    Phone number.
•    Mailing address.

All registration should be made prior to April 30, 2012. Room availability and special Conference rates cannot be guaranteed after that date.


  1. Anonymous3/28/2012

    This sounds like an exciting platform. African youth events hardly receive any support so i commend the organizers for such a bold step.
    Let us support it ...... at least some good stuff about African youth

  2. Anonymous3/30/2012

    I felt it a great outcome & a welcome ideal.


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