20 April, 2012

Nigeria's Halima Abubakar Inspires at BBC Centre

It is becoming vivid that Halima Abubakar is not just another talented Nollywood belle, but a change agent who is using her star power to impact the society through her humanitarian endeavours.For those who were present at the B.B.C Center , Oxford street on the 11th of April 2012, that day was not just an ordinary one, but will remain indelible in their minds.

Brimming with passion for the less privileged children and compassion for the needy, Halima spoke from the depth of her heart on issues around child care, how to adopt and take care of abandoned children , and showing compassion for the needy.She emphasized on the importance of not just sympathizing with them , but also empathizing with them.In her words :’We should learn to look beyond ourselves and care for the less privileged children who needs our love and support because they are part of us’

The eighty two individuals who witnessed this epoch making event, left with renewed vigour and passion, empowered to empathize with the less privileged children and the abandoned.For us as a nation, it is a booster to our dwindling national image.Speaking on an international platform is an endorsement for Halima’s work ethic , diligence, and drive.She is poised to contribute her quota to humanity one day at a time.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4/20/2012

    Great waooooo am nt suprised she is smart nd looks like a gud person


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