10 May, 2012

Big Brother Africa 7 Update: Angola Set For Dramatic Exit!

After mulling over her decision for 24 hours, Esperanca has decided to leave Big Brother StarGame! Her decision affects the other half of the Angolan pairing, Seydou, who will also have to pack his belongings and head back home.

Esperanca was seemingly unaware of this fact until Big Brother revealed this to her in her Diary Session this afternoon. The Angolan lass seemed dumbfounded and tried to reason with Big Brother. She begged Biggie to spare Seydou because in her opinion, he is one of the strongest Housemates in the game at the moment.

Big Brother politely reminded Esperanca that StarGame is a ‘Pairs Game’ and it would not make sense to
have an unpaired Housemate.

Despite begging for over 10 minutes, Big Brother would not budge. Esperanca then tearfully left the Diary Room, headed upstairs – completely avoiding Seydou – who is blissfully unaware of the latest developments.

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