30 May, 2012

Big Brother Stargame Update: What's up with 'Goldezzo'?

Goldie (Nigeria) and Prezzo (Kenya) are now avoiding each other. The two lovers who are fond of each other in the Upville house are no longer in good terms.

Prezzo was very serious when  he revealed that he was done with Goldie. This was confirmed today early morning when the House mates were doing their morning exercise. The exercise was at first individually done but time reached when the had to make up a pair to help each other stretch. Here all eyes were on Prezzo and Goldie because every body expected them to pair up.

All what was expected was wrong because Prezzo ignored Goldie and instead decided to pair up with Roki. Goldie too never minded and didn't take this  as a big issue so she went ahead and paired up with DKB. Though, Prezzo ignored Goldie, he was never settled as he couldn't stop watching DKB stretching Goldie in a very nice way , trying to make himself comfortable and simulating sex between her legs.

Will Prezzo survive without Goldie?

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