16 May, 2012

Kimmy Cakes and Kanye West 'Kimye' to do reality show together?

 Kim Kardashian didn’t say that Kanye West was going to come on her show anytime soon. But she did say that if the rapper just happened to be around, she’d make sure to keep the cameras rolling.

The 31-year-old tells E! Online that fans will just have to wait and see when the seventh season of the hit show debuts this Sunday.

“I want to show my life,” Kardashian assured E’s correspondent when asked whether she’ll keep it real for the cameras, including letting fans in on her love life.

“If we are having dinner and he does show up, I’m sure we’re not going to go, ‘Stop the cameras!’” says the soon-to-be divorcee. “At the same time, I’m not going to be taking a bubble bath and drinking champagne like Khloe and Lamar do."

I think Kim Kardashian has another publicity stunt marriage planned?

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