19 May, 2012

A little Thought on Ola and Chris Voluntary Exit from Big Brother Stargame Show

Nigeria's duo, Ola and Chris has made a voluntary exit from the ongoing Big Brother Africa! Barely two weeks into the 91 days StarGame series, the pressure of the Big Brother house has taken its toll on the Nigerian housemate, Ola, who had had to exit the show with his partner Chris. After consulting with Big Brother and the house doctor about his health, Ola made the decision with his partner, Chris to quit playing in the StarGame so he could get proper medical attention for himself outside of the Big Brother house. Ola developed a dangerously high blood pressure which he claimed had resulted from the pressure in the Big Brother house and most painfully, the Saturday night violence (that he said to his fellow housemates while notifying them of his exit), has affected his state of mind in return.  Ola left his words with the housemates in a
teary farewell that left the Downville with a flush of emotions, 'I hate violence men! The fight and the situation in the house have affected my state of mind. I want you guys to learn from now and play the game the best way. Stop the fuck fuck fuck shit!

The two Nigerian Housemates have to leave the House with immediate effect, seeing as their Voluntary Exit has been prompted by a serious medical condition that needs urgent attention.

The demand for voluntary exit has been part of the StarGame since the first week; it was Angola's Esperanca who first decided to voluntarily exit the show due to family issues but later changed her mind after consulting with her pair Seydou, who convinced her to stay knowing they would both leave the house if she insisted on not continue.

After finalizing on their voluntary exit decision with Big Brother in a diary session, Ola and Chris were instructed by Biggie to leave the Diary Room and speak to their fellow Housemates, to explain the situation which was later received with tears and very sad mood from all the housemates who at first wouldn't believe the Nigerian pair are headed home.

Words by - Olaolu Victor-Ola

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