21 September, 2012

Let The Fun Begin: It's Tweet Friday''

 ‘Sweet Friday' starts today and the frist celebrity on call is none other than the only Opekete master on this part of the globe. It is K-Cee.

'Tweet Friday' is a new show/competition exclusive to the 1Music Network.  It is the only show which allows you ask your favourite celebrities questions and get something remarkable. All you need to participate is a twitter account.

Here is how it works: Each Friday, we pick a celebrity who participants get to throw random, creative yet funny questions at. They could also be questions you’ve always wanted to ask them but they must be creative; not just the regular questions we hear during interviews. The participant with the most creative question(s) gets answers
from the celebrity, an immediate ‘follow back’ on twitter and lots more. All questions must be sent before 12:00am the Friday after!

How To Post Questions: Just send them as 'DM's on our twitter handle [@1musicnetworks] or like our ‘Facebook fan page’ - and send us your questions as messages or send them It’s just that easy! Always include your name and location while sending in your questions.

Winners will be announced on Friday each week while we pick a new celebrity too so the cycle continues.

 It's 'game on' people! Send in exciting and creative questions about K-Cee and you win this week's  'Ultimate Fan Experience'

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