10 October, 2012

You Must Attend Google Plus Event 'Thank Goodness Its Thursday' #TGIT

On the 18th of October, Google Nigeria would be hosting over 100 Nigerians on Google+ at an event tagged “Thank God Its Thursday”. The star studded list will comprise celebrities from the music and movie industries, as well as regular individuals who have been very active and engaged on Google+ since its launch.

According to Google, the event serves as a platform to celebrate top G+ users that have been inspiring other Nigerians to connect, share interests and network on Google+.

To crown the evening, Google would be premiering +Naija; a short documentary about Nigerians, and their engagements on Google+.

If you get to be one of the lucky people selected to attend the event, make sure you share pictures on G+ using the hashtag #tgitlasgidi.

You must be there oo!!

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