18 October, 2012

Zen Magazine Fashion Editorial on UK Based Nigerian Designer Fee Uhssi

 Editor's Words: Ethical and Multicultural fashion brand Fée Uhssi shared with us images from her Four Elements Line. The inspiration for each look came from the surrounding elements around us “Earth, Water, Fire, and Air“, Fée takes us on a fashion voyage through ancient African tradition of wearing materials that tell stories but first, enjoy our Table of Contents followed by our Zen Magazine on Fée Uhssi

Images of Fee Uhssi
Photography: Carine Lucchese
Models: Coco Jean-Jacque, Estelle Met, Fatima Sky L’Homme and Soraya Khalil
Stylists, Make up & Hair: Amy Sey
Assistant Stylist: Lana Ramsay
Image of Choolips by Choolips
Follow Fée Uhssi on Facebook:ée-Uhssi-Designs/457148220412

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