#THREE3 is a Mental Health Awareness Saturdays Event with the primary goal of fund raising to needs of the Psychiatric Home at Yaba because little will the government do to assist what they started.
Below are #THREE3 schedule:
*STOMP WALK > 10th Dec > >>>>>>
is designed in such a way that interested people will have fun, make new friends, make some money for themselves and for the cause at hand (fund raising for the Home).
To achieve this, there will be merchandising of TeamYabaLeft's Fund raising Ticket Booklets (100pages each). Each interested person will get for just N1000 before the 10th Dec.
During the STOMP WALK (10th Dec.), the tickets will be sold to the public by ALL of US in our RAG DAY costumes at any price (since its fund raising).
At the end of the Walk each participating body will pay N50 for every tickets sold, while what ever is left remains YOURS!
E.g: If each booklet of 100pages is sold for N200 per page during the walk, a return of N5000 is given to the cause, while the remaining N15000 is yours!
(NB: most people will offer 100's & 200's giving u more to earn!)
*RAG-AGAIN> 17th DEC>>>>>>>>
Is almost same as STOMP WALK only that it's at the Beach (beach games, booze, media, sand, breeze, and half naked ladies are added to the mix).
Each participating body involved with STOMP WALK are guaranteed free entry into Oniru Beach.
N.B: Booze and Chops inclusive (Terms and Conditions Apply)
*The Visit > 24th DEC>>>>>>>>>
This is the Most important part of the event, it's opened to interested people who would love to take a tour inside the Psychiatric Hospital and help deliver the funds raised over the 2 previous Saturdays with other valuable products and goods acquired for both the patients and staff at Yaba Psychiatric Home!
After which a small picnic will be held that same Sunday (venue will only be disclosed to interested people).
For more information, you can join us every Sunday by 3pm at Yaba.
You can pay your booklet's fee into:: First Bank
Account Number: 3183010317948
Account Name: Funmi Olubayo
*United we crase, Divided we sane*
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